more than 25 years of R&D for…
Complex systems, operating in large organizations. They are critical systems for the specific procedures of a function or activity. They are urgent systems that guarantee the strategic agility of the entities that use them.
Any employee, even if unfamiliar with the project, can at any time regenerate the entire code of a project with just one button. To do so, you only have access to the respective functional specifications (meta data), created in any version of Genio.
No errors…
Reutilizing the same code templates in multiple instances in a project, across multiple projects, across multiple users, across multiple clients, and over time, significantly decreases the likelihood of errors occurring in Genio-generated code.
Evolution and continuous improvement
Genius is more than a common development platform. It is a process of high maturity that allows the integration of innovations that contribute to the increased quality of the products, to the increased productivity of those who produce software, to the reduced development cycle, to better experiences of users and customers of the systems, to shorten delivery times, to faster adoption of new technologies or to the increased agility in changes of the business functionalities and needs.
The most important R&D projects are funded by the European Union, and are developed in partnership, involving universities, large companies and SMEs, in networks spread across several countries.
The QREN funding assumes as a great strategic goal the qualification of the Portuguese, valuing knowledge, science, technology and innovation, as well as promoting high and sustained levels of economic and socio-cultural development and territorial qualification, within a framework of equality of opportunity, as well as increasing the efficiency and quality of public institutions.
First Sight Model
It is a pioneering project in the visualization of models in information systems developed by Quidgest. It aims to create a two-way bridge between business requirements and the modeling of an information system.The initiative counts on the collaboration of INOV-Inesc and GTE Consultores.
Qsearch is a self-thought search engine. It helps the user to properly organize the organization’s documents and offers the user a search according to their preferences, while respecting their access limits. This project had the collaboration of FCT / UNL.

Álvaro Damas

Rodrigo Serafim

Tiago Xavier

Carlos Nogueira

José Gomes

Maksym Hrytsko
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